Mechanical Overhaul
7 to 10 hours (Plus supplies)
This will truly make your instrument better than new! Every key on your clarinet is mechanically fit, the keys are buffed to new, all key corks and tenon corks are replaced, and all pads are replaced! You also have pad choices for the upper joint (Cork, skin, masters)

Annual Full Cleaning
2 to 4 hours (Plus supplies)
A full comprehensive servicing of your clarinet. The instrument is fully disassembled, rods and hinge tubes are cleaned, bore and tone holes are cleaned, tenon corks and adjustment corks are checked (replaced as needed), all pads are individually checked and leveled (replaced as needed), spring tensions are checked/adjusted, any rust build up is removed from the entire instrument, body/bore is polished, keys are cleaned (hand polishing can be added), instrument is assembled, regulated, and play tested by a professional clarinetist and clarinet repair specialist.

Adjustment / Emergency Repair
Free - Up to 1 Hour
Sometimes you do not need a full cleaning, but your instrument is still not operating correctly. Whether your tenon corks are too tight, maybe your tenons are sticking because you have a new instrument that has never been adjusted, possibly just a pad fell out. At Clarinets by Copeland, we are here for you! Yes, you saw that right! A quick adjustment that only takes a few minutes will often not cost you a thing!